If you are in immediate danger, contact Victoria Police on 000.

We may not be able to resolve some enquiries. In these cases, we will do our best to find the information for you or refer you to the agency that can help.

Local council complaints

The VEC cannot look into allegations of a breach of the Local Government Act 2020. For more information or to make a complaint about these matters, visit the Local Government Inspectorate's website.

Privacy and collection notice

We will keep a record of all feedback and complaints received and internal reviews undertaken. All personal information for the purpose of managing a complaint or conducting an internal review will be collected in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and our Customer feedback policy.

For more information, visit Privacy at the VEC.

Complaint details

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

Do you want to give your name or contact details?

Please provide your contact details:

What is your complaint about?

Please tell us your complaint. Provide as much detail as possible, including how you would like us to resolve it.